Last week was a difficult one. My breathing became worse so Mommy had to take me back to the doctor. Dr E got me hooked up with a nebulizer which helped get my O2 level back had gotten pretty low and had everyone really concerned.
Once my O2 was back up I regained my strength and energy and was ready to get our and about. I have really been enjoying getting out of the house. Daddy was out of town so Mommy, Ms Kelly and Aidan took meout to dinner. We had a blast and I even got to eat dinner like a big girl at the restaurant with everyone.
I'm finally getting over this RSV things. My cough is lingering but I have been able to move back up to my bedroom. Mommy and Daddy are back on track and trying to get me out every weekend. This weekend I went to the mall and spent some time in my big girl stroller. I am tolerating being in the stroller and car seat much better. It seems to be a combination of things, but my tummy has been much better lately. I have gone poo every day for the past week and a half......without the assistance of a stimulant. That is a really big deal. We are not sure if I have just figured it out or if it is related to the virus. Who knows but we all think it is great.
On Friday I turned 10 months old and as my present I cut my first tooth. Mommy found out the hard way and informed me we are done with nursing!!! Sorry Mommy.
Please ignore the large scratch on my head. I was working hard on my exercises when our crazy dog stepped on my face. Lets just call it a character scar.

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