Yesterday was Ms Kelly's first day. She will be helping out several days a week by watching me so I don't have to get in the car and go places. We all know that rarely ends well. Ms. Kelly is great and full of energy. I was a little angle while she was here for the first few hours learning my routine, but as soon as Mommy left to get Aidan from school I let her have it. You know I needed to give her a test drive...... She stood up to the test....I think I'll keep her around.

Grandma is back home from Michigan. We fell back into our routine....eating, sleeping, and fussing about my tummy. Grandma kept telling Mommy I have a "temper"....what ever that means. Mommy decided to do some research on Keppra, the last anti-convulsat that I'm on and will be off of in three weeks. She had decided along time ago that she would not read about stuff like this on the Internet since it only got her worked up, but tonight she found all kinds of info from parents about her infants/children/adults have Keppra-rage. My doctor told Mommy and Daddy a while back that any agitation would only last in the beginning - but that is not what the parents of kiddos on this med say. Mommy is hoping that once this is out of my system we will be able to get on a schedule. I'm am truly a REALLY happy baby - smiling ALL the time - and then the fussing and screaming begins for no apparent reason at all. Maybe I'm start sleeping better during the days and the purple circles under my eyes will finally go away.
After a difficult OT session this morning, Mommy's friend Candice and her son Finn came by to visit. I did some exercises while Finn played with Aidan's toys. After a short nap Ms. Beth came for PT. I had a good session. On Friday I have an evaluation for Speech Therapy and Mommy is trying to see if she can find Music Therapy as well.
Yummy I really do love my Oatmeal!!! I will be starting a new food next week. I can't wait to see what it will be......Aidan voted for
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