I guess on Sunday I needed to play catch up....meaning that I have not been napping that well since I have been sick and now I am making up for it. Mommy and Aidan spent most of the day running errands and this was my special time to spend with Daddy. Unfortunately I could barely keep my eyes open and ended up sleeping most of the day. Some how I don't think Daddy was to upset since he was able to watch of football without everybody interrupting him.

I spent a good part of Monday with Grandma. Since Aidan was on Fall Break from school Grandma stayed with me while Mommy and Aidan spent the day out. They went to the Botanic Gardens and Aidan told me all about all the great things they were able to do and see. Afterwards they went to lunch with Daddy. I wish I had been able to go but I enjoyed my time with Grandma.....even though I slept most of the day. I did get out in my stroller to watch Aidan at the Skate Park. My big brother is so cool. He waved at me each time he passed by.
Today Mommy became worried that I might be getting her cold. I still have a little cough left over from the croup and she is worried I might have picked up her cold with my lowered immune system. My tummy has really been bothering me again. For several days it seemed like I had figured out the "poo" situation but I guess not. This potty thing is really difficult. Mommy did get me to spend some time doing exercises between naps.
Mommy and I have been so lucky. Grandma comes over most afternoons to stay with me while Mommy runs errands and gets Aidan from school. Well Grandma is taking a much need vacation to visit my cousins in Michigan. I guess Mommy, Aidan, and I are really going to realize how lucky we have been. We are going to have to adjust but we will figure it all out. We will miss her and are wishing her safe travels.
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