Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hot Weekend

I stayed inside all weekend since it was really hot.  I continue to have tummy issues and decided to cut back on my eating since it makes my tummy hurt so bad.  Mom has been keeping a log of how much/little I eat because she is getting worried.  I have eaten a little more over my last 2 feedings and now my tummy is hurting again.  It seems I just have to find the right balance of eating and tolerating tummy pain.  There are feeding specialists at Children's Hospital that mom can take me to if needed, but we are trying to not go there if possible.  I seem to be there every week and mom and I are needing a break. 

I'm getting excited......Aidan will be back home soon and I will have someone to dance for me and make me smile.  I miss him. 

                Hanging out in my cradle.

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